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What to Do in the Days Following a Car Accident

If you were to ask an auto accident lawyer about what you should do after being in a car accident, it is likely that he or she would start with how important it is to have legal representation. A caring and committed lawyer would also be able to provide you with key details regarding the immediate actions you should take after calling them. If you were in an auto accident and suffered a serious injury as a result, it’s possible that you could recover damages from the person responsible. Lawyers know how difficult it is to bounce back after a collision and have the skills and experience to represent your best interests.

 At the Accident Scene

Even before contacting a car accident lawyer, stay at the scene of the collision until the responding law enforcement officer tells you that you can leave. The exception to this is if you are transported from the scene by an ambulance to the hospital. Otherwise, if you leave the scene it can be far less likely that you are seen as credible when pursuing an injury claim.

 Exchanging insurance information with the other drivers and talking with witnesses is also a key step in this early post-accident phase. However, in so doing, a knowledgeable attorney might tell you that it’s important to avoid admitting fault for the accident in any way.

Communicating with insurers

 A skilled lawyer will know where to start in guiding you through the legal process and dealing with the insurance companies. It’s important to be truthful with the insurers but not offer too much detail which can be used against you to deny your claim. Your attorney can communicate with the insurance companies on your behalf to protect your rights.

Police reports can be helpful in making sure you have documentation of the accident. However, you should also note that it’s important to be wary of any early settlement offers from insurers. Your auto accident lawyer can advise you about settlement offers and even negotiate for a higher amount than what the insurance company offers you.

Medical Treatment

Seek medical treatment as soon as possible after an auto accident even if you are not sure if you were injured because symptoms don’t always present immediately. It is important if you’re pursuing a personal injury claim to keep detailed records of your doctor visits and any medications you are taking. Make sure to hold onto any such records because they can be helpful in seeking to recover damages for certain injuries, and potentially even help you do so for pain and suffering.

Legal Options

As the lawyers at Cohen & Cohen can explain, obtaining legal representation is crucial in the days immediately following a car accident. Having a lawyer to assist you can make an enormous difference as far as whether or not you are able to recover maximum damages for the accident.